My Sweet Henry
This morning I went into the living room to find that Henry had a poo accident on the carpet. When I looked around, he was a couple of feet away, laying on the carpet panting. I went to get some things to clean up the mess, and he tried to drag himself across the carpet with his one front leg. He could not stand. My husband had me call the vet, and we took him in right away. The vet said he was hypothermic (very low body temp) and that she felt a mass in his abdomen. With his history she said she felt that it was a tumor from the sarcoma, and that it had burst and he was now bleeding internally. She said he was not a good candidate for surgery, and that she would have to remove most of his intestines if we wanted to try it. We did the only thing we could and let him have some peace. I just keep thinking about how great he has been doing these past two months. He was fine last night, and now he is gone. I was so unprepared for this outcome. It honestly never crossed my mind that the cancer would come back and take him. For our family, it is truly Black Friday.
I thank you all for the support you gave us both, and my thoughts are still with all of you who still have fighting left to do.